Monday, February 18, 2008

Trying to Figure Out Why I Scrap

“These are your memories, and there is no right or wrong way to preserve
them. Scrapbooking is a hobby—treat it like one. Have a good time doing

Kimber McGray
2007 Creative Keepsakes Hall of
Fame winner

I read this quote today and it really resonated with me. Recently I have been feeling inadequate in my scrapbooking skills. I have been scrapbooking for over twelve years and since I started a new generation of scrapbookers have imerged to guide the direction of new products and techniques. While I am inspired by their styles and trends, it has become clear that our motivation—the reason we scrapbook—are probably quite different.

A similar feeling comes over me looking through the fashion magazines or walking through most clothing stores. While I might love the new fashions, committing to the trend is usually neither practical nor financial possible. So, I may just pick up an updated accessory or hip top, like I may try out a new embellishment or technique inspired by the young and hip scrappers. My life as a 30-something SAHM simply doesn’t lend itself to a hip funky wardrobe or time-consuming techniques such as painting chipboard and endless doodling.

I think I need to pray for self-acceptance. As I age, I need to gracefully accept my new position (as un-hip as it may be) and welcome the fabulous trendsetters of today—and tomorrow.


Mary said...

Enjoy the new trends and creativeness of others but then scrapbook the way you enjoy.

Traicee said...

I can relate to your post!!! I continually have to ask the same question. Love your blog (: